Standard Of Care Journal of Nursing

Applying Current Standards of Wound Care Practice: Improve Patient Outcomes and Save Precious Time

Applying Current Standards of Wound Care Practice: Improve Patient Outcomes and Save Precious Time

Tags: improvements patient care patient outcomes standard of care wound care

By applying the principles of Moist Wound Healing we can provide patients with excellent wound care while saving precious nursing time and resources.

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Case Study: A Systematic Approach to Early Recognition and Treatment of Sepsis

Case Study: A Systematic Approach to Early Recognition and Treatment of Sepsis

Tags: assessment Case Study emergency department guidelines mortality prevention risk factors sepsis standard of care treatment

The term sepsis is often misunderstood. The public and often healthcare workers are unaware of the severity and high mortality rates this infection process has upon the world. Sepsis has vague symptoms that make diagnosis difficult. Often, sepsis is diagnosed in the later stages, when more obvious yet severe symptoms occur. This case study discusses a female who presents to the emergency department with sepsis secondary to pneumonia. Over the course of three days, the patient’s health quickly deteriorates, demonstrating the rapid progression of sepsis. Clinical findings, such as vitals signs, lab abnormalities, and symptoms of sepsis are discussed. The term bundle of care is presented to educate the reader on the golden standard of care for treatment of sepsis. This case study intends to increase community awareness and education to health care providers as well as providing an evidenced-based treatment guideline. More education and raised awareness will help prevent a deadly yet treatable infectious process.

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